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HomeAppliancesUK.com - General Electric Domestic Appliances

GE Appliances are the number one manufacturer in the US Domestic Appliance Market.
In the UK they pride themselves on offering a wide range of high quality, feature packed products, inspired by the American lifestyle.
The product portfolio includes Side by Side American Refrigeration, American Wine Chillers/Beverage Centres and American BBQs. Through 2006 they will also be introducing a range of Air conditioning, Water Products and Dehumidifiers.


You can purchase a GE product from the retailers on the bar on the right hand side of this page.

GE product links:

GE Fridges, GE Freezers, GE Fridge Freezers,

Some examples of GE products are shown below:

Trade Appliances

Appliance City

The Co-operative Electrical

Tribal UK

Appliance Deals

Boots Kitchen Appliances
© 2006 - 2009 HomeAppliancesUK.com - Updated on the 13th November 2009